Remember, Google fans - always use that first link there, whenever you talk about the former senator. It's only the right thing to do...
Right Wing Watch notes that Frothy made the following distinction between sharia law and the way he would run the country.
Now, unlike Islam where the higher law and civil law are the same, in our case, we have civil laws but our civil laws have to comport with the higher law.Aside from him making the same tired anti-choice arguments yet again, let's contemplate what he just said about sacred and secular laws.Our civil laws have to ... and that's why, with the issue of abortion, as long as abortion is "legal" - at least according to the Supreme Court, "legal" in this country - we will never have rest because that law does not comport with God's law which says that all life has value, all life is created by [God,] I knew you in the womb.
And as long as there is a discordance between the two, there will be agitation.
(And yes, I'm going to ignore the fact that he just called Islam a "higher law." I'm too classy a guy to go for the cheap joke like that, bitches...)
com·port /kəmˈpôrt/ v
1. Conduct oneself; behave.
2. Accord with; agree with.
See, in Islamic countries, the church and the state are the same. But in Frothyland, the state just has to do what the church wants..., wait. That can't be it... Frothyland, the state just has to agree with the church in every... no, wait a minute...
Ok, OK, I got it.
In Islamic countries, the church and the state are the same. In Frothy's fevered imaginings, the state merely has to look like the church! See? It's simple!
All that lube, and Frothy still can't pull his head out of his ass.
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