OK, when I say "I don't know how this happened," I don't mean that I don't know how babies are made. I just don't understand how it could have happened to me. But one thing I do know. I'm going to keep my baby.
Little bastard is going to make me rich.
I'm a little confused. I've always taken precautions. I mean, I used a condom every single time I had sex, back before I got the vasectomy. And it's been about twenty years, and there hasn't even been a scare since then. But suddenly, I seem to be pregnant.
I have to admit. It came out of nowhere.

And I dropped it off in the waiting room of the hospital, figuring "What the hell. We get mothers through here." It was odd, but I didn't really think anything of it. Figured it was a promotional copy, and I'd ended up on somebody's mailing list.
Thirty days later, my second copy arrived. Addressed to me. It didn't say "Free copy" or "if you'd like to keep receiving this fine magazine..." or anything else.
It was just... mine.

It couldn't fit in the mailbox. The postal carrier had to bring it to the door.
It was addressed to me. Specifically. My name. My address. I have to say, I was a little confused.
I just thought I was putting on weight because I haven't had time to work out lately. I haven't even had morning sickness yet. It's been a really easy pregnancy.

But free shipping and handling! You can't beat that!
I can't deny the evidence. I must be pregnant.
How am I going to tell my wife?
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