And they have a set of relatively ferocious staff of writers and editors, so I'll be joining will be 18 other people dedicated to pointing out the ignorance of the many in America, the foibles of modern life, and reminding you about all that history you're forgetting. And kicking the louder idiots.
This doesn't mean that there will be less of me here, there'll just be a little of me spilled over there. (Here, let me get you a towel...) Now, if I could just find a way to get this to pay...
1 comment:
Blogger Comments is so screwed up this week!
Thanks for the hat tip. I tried getting this gig to pay and made--count 'em, folks--eighteen dollars last year! With income like that, I'm going to have to declare myself a church and try to reduce the tax bite. Hey, if it works for Glenn and Glenda...
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